
    2019冠状病毒病和其他传染病 & 安全信息


    九州娱乐官网’s COVID-19 和 Other Infectious Diseases policies 和 procedures universally apply to all members of our 校园 community (student, faculty, staff, 访客、供应商、其他工作人员). 个别部门,教师,员工或学生 may not make their own COVID-19 rules or policies, unless approved by the President 或者他们指定的人.


    Based on information provided by the American College Health Association (ACHA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 和 our peers, the College strongly recommends that all students, faculty 和 staff are up-to-date (as described by the CDC) with the COVID-19 vaccination as well as other infectious diseases like influenza.


    The current policy 和 practice for 校园 is that masks are optional.

    However, the College, in accordance with CDC guidance strongly recommends the use of face masks in indoor public settings in the following scenarios: 

    • You are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms at all, even if mild;
    • You have had a close contact exposure to someone who tested positive 和 additionally; 
    • 你没有接种疫苗 
    • You have underlying health concerns that increase your personal risk factors. 

    Wearing a face mask is always an option 和 will remain so unless the college deems 基于公共卫生问题,这是必要的. 作为一个群体,我们应该保持敏感 to the fact that some classmates 和 colleagues will prefer  to wear a mask indoors 支持并尊重你的决定. N95和KN95口罩已得到验证 to be effective in safeguarding the wearer, even when others around them are unmasked.

    Individuals should not be overriding this policy with mask requirements in their own 班级、小组等. That does not mean that we cannot have conversations with our peers 和 students about 什么是对我们和我们的团队最好的. 对于那些焦虑的人来说,有很多途径 about the removal of the requirement to take personal action to protect themselves.

    While mask-optional means that no one will be required to wear a mask in any learning 空间(课堂、实验室等.)我们知道有一些物理空间 groups may be working in close proximity for extended periods of time. 我们鼓励 anyone in this setting to consider if it might be appropriate to continue with personal 戴面罩.

    Face masks will continue to be a requirement for anyone who is visiting Health Services or the Counseling Center, as well as anyone who has an appointment for COVID testing.  Face masks are strongly recommended for any Housekeeping worker who is entering spaces (i.e. 公共区域和浴室)y 是否有学生或工作人员可能生病.

    The College reserves the right to institute an indoor mask m和ate should it be either recommended by the CDC or the 校园 experiences a significant outbreak in which public 卫生指导要求在室内佩戴口罩. 任何变动将在全校范围内公布.


    The CDC Recommends the following if you become sick 和 test positive for Covid or RSV:

    即使你练习 核心的预防 strategies like being vaccinated 和 wearing masks, you may still catch a virus 和 出现呼吸道症状. 如果发生这种情况,更新后的指南建议采用两种方法 行动:

    • 步骤1: 呆在家里. As much 尽可能, you should stay home 和 away from others until at least 24 两个小时后:
    1. 你的症状总体上在好转
    2. You have not had a fever (和 are not using fever-reducing medication).

    This advice is similar to what has been recommended for flu for decades 和 will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 和 other respiratory viruses during the most contagious 感染后的时间. 不是所有的呼吸道病毒感染都会导致发烧,所以 注意其他症状(咳嗽、肌肉疼痛等).我和你一样重要 确定你什么时候身体好到可以离开家. 如果你的症状有所好转 和 stay better for 24 hours, you are less likely to pass your infection 给别人 和 you can start getting back to your daily routine 和 move on to step 2.

    • 步骤2: 恢复正常活动,并使用额外的预防策略 over the next five days, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing your hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, 和/or 做呼吸道病毒检测. 人们可以选择使用这些预防措施 任何时候的策略. 因为有些人在“呆在家里”之后仍然具有传染性 period, taking added precautions can lower the chance of spreading respiratory viruses 给别人.

    人 who are at higher risk for severe illness who start to feel sick should seek health care right away so that they can access testing 和/or treatment. 早期治疗 for COVID-19 or flu may prevent severe disease in people at higher risk, even if they 他们是否接种了最新的疫苗.


    Students 和 employees should be prepared to provide their own supply of at-home COVID test kits as Health Services will have limited testing capacity. 传统的测试工具 可在当地药店或杂货店买到.  学院将提供测试工具 当能力.


    Students 和 workers who test positive will be responsible for notifying their close contacts directly 和 letting them know they can contact Health Services ((电子邮件保护) (电话:410-778-7261). 

    Close contact is when an individual was closer than 6' to a person who tested positive 或者被怀疑是阳性的. 这种接触必须持续15分钟以上,而且是蒙面的 或揭露了.

    Community contact is similar to what one experiences going to a grocery store or other 零售商店. Passing an individual in the hall or speaking for a few minutes while maintaining proper social distance represents community contact.


    访问ors are permitted on 校园 和 the College strongly recommends that they are 最新的COVID - 19疫苗. 如果有游客出现流感症状 symptoms, they should wear a mask, isolate from others, 和 depart 校园 as soon 尽可能.

    Conferences Services, Campus 事件 和 individual departments hosting multiple day programs are required to request 和 obtain a COVID plan from clients/guests hosting (或共同主持)在学院财产/设施举办的活动.

    This policy is subject to change should we experience an uptick in COVID cases on 校园.  

    更好的在一起 logo for 九州娱乐官网 featuring two h和s in maroon 和 aqua creating a heart around the letters "WC"