
First-year students who demonstrated academic excellence and involvement throughout high school may be invited to apply for the four-year 总统的同伴 Program. Fellows can access unique learning and exploration opportunities, priority course 注册,可能的额外奖学金,以及更多. 总统的同伴 form a close-knit, focused community within the larger 九州娱乐官网 community.


If you've demonstrated superior academic achievement and involvement during high school, you may be nominated during the admissions process to apply 成为总统研究员. Nominations are delivered in your acceptance packet, and an essay and interview are 接下来的步骤. 

  • 总统的同伴 candidates have the opportunity to apply for additional scholarships, 从高度选择性的乔治华盛顿签名奖学金* - 全额学费,四年奖学金提供给一名学生 -获得弗朗西斯·沃特斯奖学金 向多名学生提供最高5000美元的学费奖学金.
    • Every student who is interviewed for the 总统的同伴 Program will receive 每年至少3000美元的奖学金 — stackable with other merit or financial aid — even if you are not ultimately selected 成为总统研究员. 如果被选为会长奖学生,将获得奖学金 for completing the interview will comprise part of the final 总统的同伴 奖.


  • 获得前两年的优先课程注册.
  • Enjoy the option of rooming with other 总统的同伴 who share similar study 习惯和社会兴趣.
  • 享受秋季开学酒会和年终社交.
  • 在毕业典礼上被授予总统奖助生奖章.
  • Take part in faculty-led enrichment learning events, organized into 主题, during 第一年. 
  • Attend programs designed to help you take advantage of essential 经验s including 实习、实习、研究生和就业机会.
  • Participate in the annual 总统的同伴 Leadership Summit, a dynamic, three-day retreat where Fellows engage with peers and professionals through workshops, social 建立网络,并应用领导主动性. 峰会以学生为高潮 向索索尔斯基总统展示他们的项目.  

  • Network and build your resumé with activities sponsored by the College’s chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, the Douglass Cater Society of Junior Fellows, and the Omicron Delta 卡帕全国领袖荣誉协会. 这些机会可以帮助你获得资格 for distinguished national honors such as Fulbright Fellowships and Rhodes, Marshall, Goldwater, and Truman scholarships, as well as induction into the 九州娱乐官网 Phi Beta Kappa分会. 在2023年入选Phi Beta Kappa的29名WC学生中, 大约三分之二是总统研究员.


The sweeping principle behind our 总统的同伴 Program: "Leadership is inquiry 这就推动了行动."  




The 总统的同伴 Program will facilitate your vision and planning for your 在九州娱乐官网及以后的学习中,你将获得独特的领导能力. 从 your very first semester to your senior year, you’ll collaborate with faculty, staff, and a diverse range of student organizations, but perhaps most importantly, with other 总统的同伴. 领导技能发展的一个重要部分将会发生 student-to-student.  到大四的时候,你将协助一群新的总统 Fellows to learn, lead, and grow. 


During 第一年 as a Presidential Fellow, you will take part in faculty-led 按主题组织的活动. 这些主题使您可以更容易地确定 作为一名学生和领导者,你想要探索的机会. 的主题 are student-driven — faculty build the events based off of student survey responses.  



At the heart of enterprise — public or private, small startup, or large corporation ——是价值的创造. 但这只会发生,因为人们推动了这个过程. Businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations share ideas, collaborate, and transform 原材料转化为有价值的活动、商品和服务.

总统的同伴 will explore how organizations create value in their communities. Students will visit businesses and nonprofits to talk with leaders and meet Washington College alumni who are building on their education to create value in their careers. 解决问题,为社会创造价值.






This Theme is inspired by two classic approaches to higher learning found at the University of Oxford: its Philosophy, Politics and Economics program, and its curriculum known as the "Greats,” featuring enduring works by thinkers who have enriched the human 经验. 学生们探索关于幸福、知识、 宗教、自由、政治、经济和美好生活.

The Theme also encourages students to exercise 领导 by working toward the attainment of what classical thinkers called phronesis — the wisdom to enact the principles discovered 在理论探究中. 学生们经常聚在一起吃饭聊天. 此外, they are invited to special events — including opportunities through the Institute for Religion, Politics, and 文化 — are assisted in obtaining internships, and ultimately, have the option to enroll in a study-abroad program at the University of Oxford or 在布拉格和维也纳参观奥斯维辛集中营.


Joseph Prud 'homme,政治学


环境科学 & 研究


In this fully immersive Theme, students will explore the environment through activities 比如徒步旅行、露营、划皮艇、寻宝和观星. 教师领导将 help students gain a foundational understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological 参观每个独特环境的各个方面. 人类对每个环境的影响将 也可以作为整个学期的统一主题. 演讲嘉宾 will join in our environmental explorations to lend their knowledge and expertise 关于人类活动对自然界的影响.


罗宾·范·米特,生物与环境科学 & 研究

丽贝卡·福克斯,环境科学 & 研究

经济学和环境科学的布莱恩·斯科特 & 研究

吉尔·伯伯,环境科学 & 研究



Literature has been one of the most enduring tools used to both inspire and challenge 领导. 在这个主题中,自认为好奇的总统研究员 readers, aspiring editors, intrepid journalists, or creative writers, will engage with the long history of rich literary activity on and around 九州娱乐官网’s 校园.

Students will explore the connection between language and its ability and responsibility to effect change through conversations with nationally renowned authors and journalists, visits to archives, libraries, and museums, a summer trip to Yorkshire to study landscape 文学,以及其他类似的经历.


Sufiya abdurr - rahman,创意写作





作为公民领袖,你的未来是什么? 人类历史的故事,在许多 ways, the story of overcoming oppression and resolving inequities as we strive to 在国家内部和国家之间建立更大的平等. 全球领导人和公民 are challenged by persistent societal concerns such as poverty and famine, oppression on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, class, and geographic 地点,有罪不罚和不公正.

Social justice is a marathon that requires passionate individuals with the training 和经验来面对等待着他们的挑战. 为学生提供 an academic understanding of social justice issues in the world and given the opportunity 履行社会正义. 获得导师和活动的机会将确保学生做好准备 一毕业就投入工作.


克里斯汀·韦德,政治学 & 国际研究

社会学的Rachel Durso



卡莉·赖林,政治学 & 国际研究